Audio Receiver Reviews Hey I'm Getting A Projector So I Can Watch Movies Outdoors/indoors I Need Advice Audio Wise. Details Below

Hey I'm getting a projector so I can watch movies outdoors/indoors I need advice audio wise. Details Below - audio receiver reviews

I have to work only about $ 150 decent with what you need audio on a budget. Looks like I could go three ways.

1. Buy an external sound card (cost me about $ 50) for my laptop to get some of the less powerful 5.1 computer speakers to $ 100 or less,

2. Enjoy a stronger 2.1-computer speakers (I have looked at Logitech Z-2300, but I had doubts because I made some remarks that the dialogue in movies do not read as much as it was to l ')

3. Buy a receiver and speaker shelf under $ 160 (all owners loan of a pair of tower speakers Pioneer 100 watt)

I am looking for advice on any of the following options or other options may have to be big. It would be particularly useful for someone who has been in a similar situation.


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